What’s New in HOPEX Aquila release
Predictive Intelligence. Seamless Collaboration.
Empower your teams with new features that simplify collaboration, boost efficiency, and drive engagement. Leverage HOPEX Aquila as your core operating system to increase the company's operational efficiency with predictive intelligence and architecture.

Shorten time to value
Accelerate project delivery with AI-powered automation
- APM Automation: Quickly establish a comprehensive IT inventory with automatic software discovery, intelligent data categorization and automatic mapping.
- Hexa, your AI Companion: Get instant answers to all your questions about HOPEX features and usage in any language.
- Effortless modeling: Boost your efficiency with powerful text-to-model process generation.

Personalize your experience
Introducing new self-service capabilities to help you tailor HOPEX without expertise
- New Instant Report Builder: Enjoy a more intuitive, guided reporting experience.
- No-code customization: Explore the new property page builder to adapt HOPEX to your evolving needs.
- Easy data import: Use the new, user-friendly Excel template builder for seamless data imports.

Improve experiences
Experience an intuitive interface that improves engagement and efficiency
- Swift access to information: Benefit from a redesigned repository navigation and search engine to quickly find the information you need.
- Track your progress: Instantly identify where you are and what you need to do with a personalized home page that offers KPIs and shortcuts to the most relevant information.
- Leverage enterprise repositories: Seamlessly integrate HOPEX with popular enterprise repositories like ServiceNow and Confluence using no-code, out-of-the-box connectors.

Streamline well-informed decision-making
Experience enhanced reporting and analysis for faster insights
- Smart analysis: Get automatic recommendations for IT rationalization and cloud migration strategies.
- Report explorer: Access pre-designed report templates and simplified report building process.
- Interactive heat map: Generate collaborative risk heatmaps rapidly using intuitive drag-and-drop feature.